About Us
At Mod Mom, we understand the struggles of the modern mom:
Spending hours researching during pregnancy, only to feel more overwhelmed, anxious, and uninformed after…
Being forced to “bounce back” immediately after having a baby because of your short maternity leave (even after using all of your PTO and sick days) and your impending return to work…
Navigating the physical, mental, and emotional challenges of early motherhood on your own because that “village” that everyone talks about doesn’t exist in today’s society…
The list goes on.
We offer exclusively virtual doula support services, classes, and lactation consultations individualized to meet each mama’s unique needs, with the flexibility she needs.
We are here to support you mamas through pregnancy, labor, and beyond – to help you move through this new stage of your life with the understanding that motherhood is a HUGE transformation in every conceivable way…that it’s not something you “bounce back” from, but rather something you adapt to, flourish in, and become.